If you have a severely damaged, decaying, or missing tooth, a dental crown can feel like a lifesaver by restoring your tooth to its normal size and shape. Finally — you can eat comfortably and smile with confidence again! But while a dental crown is a strong, long-term solution for fixing damaged teeth, it can come with problems if not properly maintained. The following explains common dental crown problems and remedies.
Common Dental Crown Issues
1. Dark Line at the Gum
This is one of the most common dental crown problems and can occur with crowns made of metal-infused porcelain. The dark line at the gum is the metal in the crown showing through the porcelain. This issue is cosmetic and does not pose any health risk. You can have a metal-infused crown replaced with one that’s all-porcelain or all-ceramic to solve for a dark line at the gum.
2. Tooth Decay
Your mouth is full of bacteria! About 700 species of bacteria, some of which can cause decay, gingivitis, and cavities. If you don’t maintain good dental hygiene practices, bacteria and plaque can build up around the crown and lead to further tooth decay. That could put you back in the dentist’s chair sooner than you’d like!
Stay on top of your oral hygiene to help avoid this common dental crown problem. That means brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing after every meal, using an antiseptic mouthwash, and getting regular dental cleanings every six months.
3. Tooth Sensitivity
Your teeth might be sensitive to hot and cold foods after your crown is installed. Sensitivity happens when the tooth’s enamel is removed during the crown installation, and a sensitive layer of the tooth is exposed.
To avoid your crowned teeth feeling sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, use a toothpaste explicitly designed for sensitive teeth or call your dentist. Your dentist can apply a special solution to the crowned tooth’s exposed area to protect it from sensitivity.
4. Nerve Trauma
More severe sensitivity might be a sign of nerve issues. For some people, the process of getting a dental crown installed is traumatizing to the nerves within the tooth’s soft pulp. Sensitivity from nerve trauma might happen immediately following the procedure or months later.
There is no way to avoid this dental crown problem. The best way to fix it is to get a root canal and a new crown.
5. Loose Crown
Dental crowns can become loose after an injury, but also because of sticky foods, time, and lack of dental care (and thus tooth decay). Your crown may also be more susceptible to coming loose if you clench or grind your teeth.
Avoid a loose crown by maintaining excellent oral hygiene, saying no to sticky foods like caramel, and wearing a mouthguard at night. Call your dentist right away if you have a loose crown, as bacteria can infiltrate your tooth and cause further decay.
6. Chip or Crack
Many dental crowns are made of porcelain, an extremely strong material. Still, porcelain is not as strong as a natural tooth! A cracked or chipped crown is rare but can happen. Small chips can usually be repaired. Large chips or extensive cracks cannot be repaired, and the only remedy is to get a new crown.
7. Allergic Reaction
Are you allergic to any type of metal? Metal allergies impact 10-15% of the population, according to American Medical ID. If you have a metal allergy, you’ll want a crown that’s made from a different material like porcelain.
Got Dental Crown Problems in Missoula?
Ponderosa Dental can help with crown problems and care. Reach out for a free video consultation if you’re struggling with any of these dental crown problems, or schedule an appointment to visit our office. Contact Dr. Dan and the Ponderosa Dental team today!